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These fish are typical on any given day on the lower Sacramento River. Some of these photos are from the Pit River, the upper Sacramento and Hat Creek. Different places fish better at different times.

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Jeremy's Journey

...10/14.... Jeremy is just starting out on his life as a fly fishermen. I have seen the addiction many times before. Jeremy has all the signs.....LOL! Since this was his first ever drift trip he had some of the usual issues like what to do when you hook a big fish and he hooked several but the fish here are big and wiley. He did land a few small ones but this fiesty 17 incher was the prize of the day.

We had a great time spotting salmon and learning a few casting tricks and of course the art of watching your indicator. Jeremy is a terrific sportsman and has the drive to learn the art of flyfishing. Great day Jeremy, Thanks!



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